Wednesday, April 14, 2010

alahai prof..

Prof Phillip Poi, geriatric specialist

“Basic knowledge + clinical skills + thinking, then you will be a safe doctor”.

Here he goes. Spend ~30 minutes on how to be a good doctor. Thanks prof.

Then….errr, dah lencong terlebih nie..

“Don’t be a bad muslim. Be a good Islamic person”.

“I do recite and tries to understand alQuran. But it is difficult to understand the meaning especially in English. It is harder compared to Bible”.

“Don’t gamble. It is not non-islamic thing”.

“Why some of you guys wear a songkok? Buy for me, I don’t know how to choose”.

From ward round – motivational ---- short case ---- religous class.

He learns about Quran, but yet he is a Christian.

Tapi kite, as a Muslim, dekat manakah kite dengan al-quran? Kecik2 belajar mengaji, bertatih lidah ini membaca mengikut hukum tajwid. Dari muqaddam kite beralih kepada al-Quran. Lancar bibir kita membaca ayat2 indah. Tapi beramalkah kita dengan isi kandungannya? Fahamkah kita apakah yg Allah cuba katakan kepada hambaNya?

Itu…sama-sama kita fikirkan dan renungkan..

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